Why are you selling?
When you sell your home you obviously want to get the best possible price with the most favorable terms. It is our job to market your home by reaching the greatest number of qualified buyers as possible. There are many details that go into successfully marketing your property. Why you are selling will determine much of the strategy. We are here to guide you through all the options and legalities from beginning to end.
Discount brokers have turned the process of buying and selling real estate on it’s ear. Zillow proved that automated valuation does not work. And many treat buyers and sellers as the commotity. They actually sell your name and call it ‘lead generation.’ When working with a ‘discount’ broker each step can be handled by a different person in a different office. Keeping track of your unique requirements will often be overlooked.
But you are a valued individual client. Our job is to guide you through all aspects of the transaction and ensure that you sell your home for the best price in the shortest amount of time possible. All parts of your transaction will be handled by the same person who understands your goals from start to finish. We guide the process and you control the negotiation.
Don’t step over a dollar to pick up a dime. We tend sell for more and buy for less.
- Your niche market to set the right price
- What buyers seek out and how to incentivize them
- How to access the greatest pool of buyers for you